Episode 58 - Sparking Inner Joy with Ronja Sakata
May 25, 2022
Imagine if you could be happy today. Yes, today!
That regardless of the stress you’re under, how worried you feel about your finances or business, or the grief or heartbreak you’re working through, you could find that inner peace and joy that helps you shine.
I know…I know…it sounds unachievable.
Maybe you’re even thinking that this is completely unreasonable considering what has been happening in your life lately.
But as today’s podcast guest, Ronja Sakata, the ‘Queen of Joy’ says, life is short and we should live it to the full. Being here, being present and making the most of every moment is key to our happiness.
That doesn’t mean that we have to be perfect or try to pretend that we’re something that we’re not. After all, we all have our grumpy, hormonal, frustrated days.
But we can choose how the people we surround ourselves with, how we show up in the world and the positivity we attract into our lives if we just make that shift in our minds.
Ronja is a life and mindset coach with a zest for life and a talent for inspiring everyone around her and she’s here to do the same for you today. I loved our conversation and I’m sure you will too!
Listen to this episode to discover:
- Why we need to stop neglecting our needs and start putting ourselves first
- FOMO and how we can learn to say no whilst remaining authentic
- How to stop worrying about our loved ones
- Why choosing your perspective can shape your mood
- What you should do when you’re not feeling joyous
And much more!
Eleshia’s Essentials
- “So if I feel like, ‘Today I'm full of energy!’ I can be kind to assholes. That's how I am in the joy game. And sometimes I'm grumpy too. I'm not perfect at all, but joy is my compass.”- Ronja
- “As women, we keep on piling it on. We don't really give ourselves that time to rest and restore and to be able to say, no, this is not for me. We say yes to everything and then end up depleted in the background.”- Ronja
- “Having your own self boundaries is really important. Actually listening to yourself and just being okay with that, without having the fear of missing out.” -Ronja
- “You could be terrified all day long that your loved ones are in danger and that's just, that's making you sick immediately. But you have to trust. I’m responsible for myself and so are others. Be really intentional with how you feel.” - Ronja
Other resources mentioned
More about Ronja:
Ronja Sakata is a Life and Business Coach, Food Engineer and Queen of Joy. Since launching in 2013, she treats clients to a secret world of joy and energy.
With her zest for life and passion to change the world, Ronja has a unique talent for inspiring and educating all those around her, so their business and personal lives may thrive each and every day with ease and grace.
Ronja is fluent in Japanese and has an overwhelming passion for Japan after an internship there in 2001. She currently resides in Switzerland with her husband and daughter.
Ronja is a Food Engineer with a BA and a Masters from the ETH Zürich where she obtained her Degree in Teaching Higher Education. In 2009, she obtained her Coaching Degree from the Zürich University of Teacher Education (PH Zürich).
Connect with Ronja Sakata
About the show:
Need simple strategies to help you grow your business and achieve more without working harder? Struggling to balance work, life, and all your other commitments and don’t want to burn out? You’re in the right place.
The Eleshia Show is a holistic business and lifestyle strategy podcast to help you get clear on your business goals, stop procrastinating, boost your income, and do what lights you up.
Women are taking notice! We have listeners across 45 countries and over 600 cities! We’re teaching female business owners across the world how to achieve more with less while looking after themselves. And we can do the same for you!
We’re having intimate conversations — the kinds that most female business owners are having privately. You don’t want to miss these.
Tune in to the podcast every Wednesday to discover exactly what expert CEOs did to get their businesses off the ground and achieve success so you can do the same!
With your host, Eleshia Harris, business coach and growth strategist, you can redefine what success means, ditch the stress and confusion and learn how to run your business from a place of ease and excitement.
If you want to talk business, wellbeing, lifestyle, mindset, goals, and scaling organic growth, don’t miss it!
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