My Baby Shower Dream Came True!

Jan 08, 2019

I’ve never been a fan of being the centre of attention so the thought of having a baby shower left me feeling mortified!

An event that was centred around my bump and me….wow!

I did start to warm to the idea when my different pockets of friends started to suggest separate meetups to celebrate the new arrival, and it all became overwhelming!!

But in the end, I agreed to the baby shower and the day turned out to be sooo magical. Let me tell you more about it.

I’m blessed with wonderful friends and family

The best parts of my baby shower were seeing all of my closest friends and family in the same room enjoying each other’s company, and having so much fun with the games everyone organised!

My amazing friend Natasha was the head organiser and she came up with a baby shower vision which was just fantastic. My other friend Natasha was also on hand to help out whenever needed and took over 250 pictures of the day so I have so many memories captured.

My friends Preety, Natalie and Sabrina also helped to put Natasha’s vision together so when I walked through the doors of the venue I burst into tears!

I couldn’t believe how much love and effort had been put into making my baby shower such a memorable day.

I never thought this day would ever come...

This day was extra emotional because honestly, I never thought that this day would ever come. I had so many problems getting pregnant and I’d already suffered one heartbreaking miscarriage, so I was a little reluctant to celebrate it just in case I jinxed myself.

Yes, I am a positive thinker and I believe in the power of putting things into the universe and believing they will come true. But I was still scared that something terrible might happen if I celebrated too early!

Of course, I know I’m not the first woman to have struggled to conceive or to have suffered from a miscarriage (more about that in an up and coming blog).

But the trauma of losing a baby is enough to make you aware that the pregnancy might not turn out as you hoped. It’s a scary place to be, especially as people don’t tend to talk about this kind of thing.

I wasn’t in a hurry to rush out and buy baby products either. Yes, I had bought a few things but nothing major until I was around 33 weeks pregnant. That’s when we finally made a decision on a pushchair. I didn’t want to have everything just waiting around the house too early, just in case.

I used to be skeptical about baby showers...

Some people think that the whole thing with baby showers and gift lists is a little bit pretentious, and I completely get that. I was a little skeptical too.

But what I have learnt from the experience is that people hold baby showers because they want to celebrate with you.

They share in your joy and excitement, which is an absolutely wonderful thing to celebrate.

I really felt it when my friends were there for me, which was especially touching as my mum is no longer with us. I’ve felt her absence more than ever throughout this pregnancy. But having the support of so many has really helped. Obviously, nobody will ever take her place but it definitely helped to have people around me who knew her well and could pass down stories and photos of when I was younger.

We also shared our list of things to buy for the baby and we were so taken back when so many of our loved ones brought gifts from the list plus extra goodies. We will forever be grateful.


What our baby shower was actually like

I wasn’t sure what to expect when my friends told me they wanted to organise a baby shower for me, so I thought I’d share with you what went on during my special day. Steal as many ideas as you like! ;)

The theme

The theme for my baby shower was ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ so the venue was decorated from head to toe to capture this. I cannot believe the ladies completed all of the decorating themselves, even the venue staff kept on coming in to take pictures as they were so impressed.

What we ate

We decided to serve afternoon tea at my baby shower as I wanted it to be very relaxed. There was a food table where everyone could just help themselves which worked perfectly.

We then had extra cupcakes which tasted absolutely divine (supplied by my godmother Allison) and a beautiful main cake that we all gushed about from Cake Junkies.

The guestbook

We created a guest book for the event which I absolutely love. It’s actually a drop heart frame which contains messages that everybody wrote for the baby and it’s beautiful. I intend to hang it up over the baby’s changing area so we can both enjoy it. I’ve already started to read some of the messages to the bump….


The photo drop

Ohhhh and I had a photo drop, so guests and I could take as many pictures as we wanted to and share them all. I told you these girls thought of everything!


The games

When it came to games we laughed so hard!! I didn’t realise how competitive my tribe is! The concentration and effort everyone put in blew me away. We had a baby mobile competition which was so much fun! Although I can’t hang up all of the mobiles made, I will be framing them and placing them around the babies room once it’s older.

Here’s a little video of me judging the mobile competition...

The gift bags

We can’t forget the gift bags! Each person who came left with a personalised thank you card, a candle to light when the baby arrives and some sweet treats.

If you’re contemplating the whole idea of having a baby shower, I say do it!

I’ll never forget the joy and love I was surrounded with that day, and it has made me so much more confident about going into motherhood. I know I have so many mummies around me to help me with this special time, and I also know that my mum will be guiding me through any tough times.

As I write this I am 37 weeks pregnant so not long now until we meet our baby.


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